Latest Press Releases

Amendment Disregarding EU Law Could Lead to Slovenian State Gaining over 100 Million Euros from Escheatment of Shares

VZMD President Meets with the President of the Slovenian National Assembly

The Constitutional Court of Slovenia Makes a Long-Awaited Decision

Mario Draghi Dismayed at the Seizure of Allegedly Confidential European Central Bank Information Stored on the Bank of Slovenia's IT Network

Families Join Port Workers in Peaceful Protest at the Strategically Significant Port of Koper

Rally at the Strategic Port of Koper
Small Investors whose Hard Earned Savings Disappeared Given a Glimmer of Hope
Retail Investors in Slovenian Bail-In May Be Considered Too Small to Notice
Pan-Slovenian Shareholders' Association (VZMD) reports that the CJEU court opinion, Kotnik e.a., delivered on February 18, 2016, supports approximately 2000 retail credit holders of Slovenian banks expropriated during the 2013 banking crisis and bail-in.